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Fall Fest Short Set Performed by Papa Jack

Updated: Oct 18, 2022

From 3-3:30 on Saturday September the 21st Papa Jack exposed some fellow parishioners to the Matty’s Vision mission. It was unseasonably warm, and Fall Fest was building momentum when Papa Jack took the stage to kick off the “live” music at this annual event.

Every year St. Stephens Catholic Community throws a party on the back portion of their property with booths promoting many worthy causes/ministries, fun activities for the children (including face painting etc.), food, live music and games.

There is no merchandise sold by the entertainers at Fall Fest, and since it is Nashville, some pretty good talent always graces the stage. Although the purpose of Papa Jack’s set did not include solicitations or CD sales (none of the entertainers had product because it wasn’t a selling or fundraising event), a nice donation from neighbors of Jack and Tammy’s, who are an important part of the church, was received after they heard the story about the foundation and it’s goals to help the visually impaired. The spirit of charity is very much alive at this church.

Shown in the picture here is Scott and Kevin who mixed the sound and MC’d for the live music. Everyone took a break and attended Mass from 5-6pm after which the party continued until later in the evening. A great swing band performed some timeless hits…one of which Father Emmanuel did a pretty groovy dance to. It was a fun celebration whose entire purpose was simply fellowship. If you are in the area next fall don’t miss it, admission is free – you just buy tickets to do fun stuff and for refreshments and food.

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