Sometimes a little bit can do a lot! Most all of the preparations had been taken care of and funded but organizer Choral Director and event coordinator, Madeleine May, was a few hundred dollars short and knew just where she could go to get some help! Matty’s Vison was a proud last-minute sponsor of ROCKTOBERFEST at the Tennessee School for the Blind.
In the words of a November article posted in the school newsletter
“Roar of the Tiger: The sounds of music floated between the falling leaves as the smell of popcorn and hot dogs filled the air. It was a beautiful October afternoon as TSB celebrated its first ever Rocktoberfest. The idea, born in the mind of TSB’s newest music teacher, Madeleine May, was a smashing hit. “The goal of the event was to provide students with the opportunity to experience a community event/concert in a safe and familiar place,” said Madeleine. “Through this, we hope to build confidence in our students, and encourage them to attend similar events in their communities and to get involved.”
Matty’s Vision is proud to be a part of such a fun and developmental event and applauds the school for their ongoing preparation of the students for meaningful participation in the community. Keep up the good work!
