Co-founder’s Jack and Tammy Klinefelter’s business partner Joey Bouza gifted keyboards to the Tennessee School for the Blind and The Arizona School for the Deaf and blind. Joey, who is a SR. partner in Prospects International is also a musician who plays out regularly in his current home town, Cape Coral Florida. He recently upgraded his keys and had two 88 Key Digital Alesis Concert keyboards he no longer used so he gave them to the school’s music departments.
Not only has he gifted these but packaged them and paid for the shipping from Florida to the schools in Tennessee and Arizona. In the past he has participated in donations to the foundation and played a couple dates on the Outer Banks with Papa Jack before moving to the sunshine state. We asked the three schools we serve most regularly and these two said they had a need for them.
We thank Joey and the other recent donors of instruments and dollars in support of the foundation and encourage you all to keep the teachers and students we serve in your thoughts and prayers.